The Songs of Faith Collection
Track Listing
1 Amazing Grace.
2 How Great Thou Art.
3 Lord of all Hopefulness.
4 The Old Rugged Cross.
5 Faith of our Fathers.
6 Hail Redeemer King Divine.
7 Let us Shine. (Song for the Year of Faith)
8 Nearer My God to Thee.
9 Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
10 Come Follow Me. (The Nazarene Song)
11 Abide With Me.
12 Be Not Afraid.
13 One Day at a Time.
14 Bring Flowers of the Rarest. (Queen of the May)
15 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. (The Heavenly Vision)
16 Sweet Heart of Jesus.
17 As I Kneel Before You.
18 Shout To The Lord.
19 What A Friend We Have In Jesus.
20 In The Garden.